A brief look back at my first week in Jyvaskyla.

The first few days were pretty basic.
Awkward smiles, uncomfortable silences, forgetting each and every name you hear.. The usual.
Went to a bunch of orientation programs the school organized for us.
Was a real dragg.. Can't remember a single thing I heard. ^^;;
9.6 Pub Crawl !!!
Had so much fun at the pub crawl! Met a lot of new ppl. Started out at one pub.. Ended up going to three, plus a club called 'Fever'. Enjoyed every bit of it.. especially dancing cause the music was hilarious. After three drinks, I realized I was dancing the Macarena !!! kkk

Me, EJ & Becky

Me(starting to turn scarlet), Eva & Vivi

Jenny, EJ & Eva
9.7 Bike day
The day I waited 12 miserable hours for my lovely bike. Went to the lake for a bit of sightseeing while I was waiting. Was happy then.. Didn't know what was coming... Although the waiting wasn't as pleasant, all was good in the end. I was practically flying while riding my bike home =)
My lovely flatmate, Vivi =)
9/8 The Ultimate Sauna Experience !
Another school organized event that I loved. The sauna we went to was located in a wooden cabin that was right next to a huge, gorgeous pond. After steaming in the sauna, we ran(actually, I was cold so I walked) to the lake and jumped in.
The lake was so cold nobody could stay in for even a minute but still it was amazing. Felt all completely cleansed and perfect!!!
Wonder if i'll be brave enough to jump in when it's frozen...
The giant pond
Enjoying the moment !
Saturday night out !
After the totally relaxing sauna, we went out for a drink to the city center. Had planned to go to another club, but gave up cause of the ridiculously long queue. T^T
Finally everyone on bikes, yay!
Aurelie, Susana, me & Vivi
Happy or drunk?
9.9 Potluck dinner
Invited some friends over for dinner. Was kind of chaos cause we weren't actually equipped to invite guests. Had to be-mattress(?) a bed and spread newspapers all over it to use it as a table. Despite the shortage of plates and silverware, we had lots and lots of food so the dinner turned out better than we had planned! =)
My yet crappy room, plus Vivi's furniture
Our first feast
Vivi, Angela, me, Eva, Jenny & Aurelie
Survived my first week..
I think i'm okay.
꺄ㅡ 클럽도 갓엇어?ㅋ 그곳클럽문화 어때?ㅋㅋ
완전 잘 놀고 있네!!!!!!!
그곳 클럽문화도 우리나라랑 비슷하다고 봐ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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