Have it up on our front door. (All who come in must obey!!)
So excited to be introducing my flat!!!
When I first came here and saw my room, I was shocked to find... um.. nothing !!! ㅜ_ㅜ;;
I'm so sad that I didn't take a picture of my totally bare room cause it would have been such a nice before and after piece. kkk I only have this one which is still an actually "much progressed", after one week shot of my room. (I'm not joking, really Progressed!!!)
(The single photo on the wall looks.. painful--;;)
But now!!!
Bought a lot of stuff, borrowed a lot of stuff, and even brought up a second bed and made it into a nice(?), comfy(?) sofa! I feel so proud! (Although not a single soul, excluding my roommate, has sat on that sofa yet..--;;)
And I finally got my lazy butt to the photo shop and printed a bunch of my favorite photos to decorate my totally plain and boring wall. (Still in working progress.)
My favorite, my memory wall =)
My pretty new candles (My room is fit for Romance! kkkk)
The other parts of my flat are pretty basic. Two identically pathetic rooms, one small bathroom, and one even tinier kitchen.

In my personal oppinion, the scariest space in our house

Small, but love it anyways since it stores my food♡
Still, to me, it is now
Home, Sweet Home =)
You still have to work to have a room as lovely as mine :-P Good luck !
But it already better than a week ago ! :-D (See you sooon !)
All who come in must obey!!
i dont want !!zzz
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