Got invited (no..actually sort of invited myself;;) to a spanish birthday party!
It was Maria's birthday so we all went to a barbeque all the way to Ronimaki.
Felt a bit awkward at first cause there were a bunch of people I didn't know.
But things got better when we went to Fever!
Afterwards, popped into Susana's & Flauka's room to chat a bit more.
Ended up doing more than just talking....
Ate pancakes at 5 in the morning..;; cause Frauke suddenly felt like making them.
Sung "Oh happy day" on the top of our lungs untill a neighbor yelled shut up.
Laughed our heads off cause Frauke kept calling me Mika! (Doesn't even sound similar to Sammy!)
Frauke, making her famous five in the morning pancakes
Oh happy day~ not really for the neighbors
Had so much fun =)
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