Advantages of having a flatmate from Brittany??
Lots and lots of delicicious delicious delicious delicious crêpes!!!! >_<
As crêpes originated from Brittany and as my roommate is a faithful Brittany girl, Vivi decided to introduce us to the traditional, salty, straight from flour brought all the way from...France(actually not as far, but oh well) crêpes!
She made two Huge stacks, one stack of salty crêpes which were served with eggs, ham, sausage or cheese. Another stack of sweet crêpes which were served with honey, jam and nutella! ;) (Oh my god, just writing about it made my mouth water...-_-;;)
Compliments to the chef ;)
Well fed and happy
Virko & the French flour transporter, Dan (Vivi's boyfriend!!)
Vivi's helpful Korean assistants (They were skillfully inventing new types of crepes by the end of the night!)
I was already extremely happy after the wonderful crêpes, but almost died laughing when Stefania finished up the nutella jug with a special "throw crêpe in jug, smuge around, shove in mouth" technique!

Lucky for me, Stefania left me an exceptionally HUMONGOUS bite! Took me forever to stop laughing... Video of the final moment of the nutella. =)