Went to Riga! =D Have to admit, didn't even know Latvia existed before coming to Finland... and yet, now am so excited to go!! (the advantages of studying abroad!) Went with Aurelie, Jenny and Eva. Was excited cause it was my first time to ride a Finnish train or leave Finland by plane. Ate a lot, laughed a lot and also slept tons! --;; Don't know what happened but was soooooooooo sleepy the whole trip. I slept everywhere........... Good trip! kkkkkk
-Again, too lazy to write lots(actually, can't remember details it's been so long;;) so am just going to post tons of photos... enjoy!

Train Tampereelle!

@ Tampere train station (excitement+over enthusiasm.. results in missing the bus)

@ The world's smallest, crappiest airport, Tampere airport (suffered from extreme boredom)

Our lovelier than expected hostel
In front of Riga tower(or tower that says Riga)
Caught up at the sight of alcohol

Market place in front of a church(can't remember which)
Don't judge!! (we were very lonely.....)
Confused at the sight of the "castle" (must have been the weirdest, tiniest, castle ever)
Riga............! =)
@ the beautiful lake
Riga. From summer to fall..
During one of my occasional siestas
Flower market
Our moody, candle-lit dinner

@ Red Fred's (well-known for their holding of 22 different sorts of beers)
Finally, the SUN in Riga (right before boarding the bus back home)
1 comment:
I really laughed a lot with you...
You 'are in good way to post all the photos. Maybe when I will come back in Paris, you will finnish to post all!! lol
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