An after-exam party for the sports faculty! Although I had no exams...;; (nothing new there..)
It was a party that everyone kept saying you CANNOT miss but.. i missed....(was too busy doing nothing) oh well! kkk
But I did stop by at the after party which was ,so conveniently, held in Rentukka! (yay! so close to home!)
The concept of the party was........................
-Girls dressed up as wrestlers and boys dressed up as cheerleaders!! You all will be divided as groups with first year students and there willbe several tasks around the city you need to perform.. One task will be"swimming" so bring your swimming suit with you (this is THE ritual thatwill make you a real sport student, thats why this party is held inOctober so that the lake would be cold enough).
-After party will be held at Rentukka, there will be color codes:1st year YELLOW (this would be you!)2nd year WHITE3rd year RED4th year GREEN5th and older BLACK. After after party will be held in Lillukka.
So.. the party should have been fun..:)
The after party was also hilarious. Everyone was dressed in ridiculous clothes and was soooooooooo so drunk. (There was a girl dressed as a banana... a BANANA! and the butt? tail? of the banana was so plump and tempting that me and Sini kept wanting to grab on to it.. was hard to resist...;;;) I arrived around 12, and the party was totally out of control by then! kkkk
The best costume! Sini, wearing a nun outfit!! (seriously! where did she get that?!!!=D)
Claudio & Stefania
Javi, Stefania, Nicole & Martin
Emilio & Susana
The irresistible banana (don't have a clear shot T^T)
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